Edition 1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           2025, January

Character Confidential

Macaroon War of Concord

Runaway Turtle!

Runaway Turtle!

How could a turtle escape and make the run for it, you may ask – turtles are not exactly known for their rebellious temperament. And not only that seems to be a mystery. Here's what happened:

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Golden Mess Causes a Stir

Santa Fe artist brings his 'shitty' vision to Boston

Boston – The art world is in an uproar, and not just because of the shine, but also because of the smell. Darius – an artist with no last name but plenty of opinions – is bringing his latest exhibition to Boston. The exhibition is titled “The Essence of Existence (Literally).” Yes, it is exactly what it sounds like.

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DELAY ... from the Ashes

DELAY ... from the Ashes

Author reveals the background of the delays that this book has experienced since its completion in 2023. “I thought it would be a clever idea to call it DELAY,” sighs JC Spark, “but it turned out to be a bad omen that I brought upon this publication.” The secret behind this ongoing delay? Dire Contact! Which would be funny in itself, as it is the title of the first book in JC Spark's No Brainer series, if it would not reflect the reason for the book's name in an almost painful way. The book tells the story of a life and a love with DELAY, in a poetic mixture of song lyrics and poetry.

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Violet's World

How to enjoy too many awesome hobbies!

"The Joy of Discovering Your Own Creativity"  When it comes to creativity, Violet, the illustrator of Space World, is truly multitalented. But her path to this point was anything but straightforward. Until the end of 2023, Violet was convinced that she was not a creative person. “I always thought art was for others, not for me,” she says. But then she began to explore her creative side – and discovered a seemingly endless world of possibilities.

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Curly Troughts...

... about the art of curly thinking

JC Spark: Curly Thoughts about...the art of curly thinking. What do I mean by curly thoughts? It is the term for a certain way of thinking that has developed over the years. The term, not the way of thinking, I always had it and I certainly do not have the privilege of having invented it. 

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Jaqueline McMahon - Creepy Book from a Cozy Nook

I have always been a lover of suspense and horror, both in books and movies. Initially, it was the novel, “Where Are the Children” by Mary Higgins Clark, that initiated my lust for a good mystery and Stephen King’s, “The Shining” that made me realize how much I love a good scare.

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